Made Exclusively by Gir Cow's A2 milk through Bilona Process .

Ghee made by Gir Cow's A2 milk
It is Made with Gir cow's A2 Milk. Not just the rich buttery taste, Pure Indian Breed Cow’s Ghee is also acknowledged for various medicinal benefits and is a widely used component in Ayurvedic treatment and has a dominant place in healing and rejuvenating.
It helps in
• Enhancing memory,
• Increasing intelligence
• Improving brain functions
• Boosting body energy
• Healthy digestive system
• Good for eyes
• Healthier skin
Making of Ghee by A2 milk
Dhenusaar Indian Desi Gir Cow Ghee is made from the Milk procured only from GIR cows grazed openly or with natural fodder.( A2 Milk Certificate of those is attached in landing page )Firstly, Ghee is a form of clarified butter which is cleaned out of water and impurities through the process of simmering.
As a second Step , butter is simmered till curds get separated
Dhenusaar Ghee is made from the churning(bilona) process of curd which nourishes our tissues and is beneficial for our health.

A2 Milk Certificate
Conducted By : A2 Milk Research Corporation
Located : Chhattisgarh , India
As per the PCR based A1 and A2 Test performed on the DNA isolated from the samples is found A2/A2 Milk/G-6/AWADA
Making of Ghee by A2 milk
Conducted by : Bansal food laboratory
Location : DelhiSample : Ghee
Product : Dhenusaar Ghee
Finding : Dhenusaar Ghee is passed in all tests Refer
Associated image for better understanding
Note : Dhenusaar was previously now as Dhenuras

Time To Answer Some Questions

House of indian breed cow
Our visionary is Gauvrati and believes that each and every Indian should reap benefits of desi cow A2 rich milk and milk products.
As the world now knows the benefits of Ayurveda and praising Indian doctors ( Vaidh ) of traditional times for Providing Such Remedies
Imagine that time when there were no equipment to test the Herbs in laboratory . Still our ancestor defined medicinal usage of herbs which is now supported by modern days medical sciences
Cow Milk is ultimate source of nutrition and only with proper nutrition your mind can work effectively
" Dil Me Bajegi Guitaar . Jab Paet Mein Jayega Gaay Ka Ghee Yaar "
- Shri Champalal Chaudhary ( Visionary and True Gausewak )